Nrlca New Contract | Retour

The National Rural Letter Carriers` Association (NRLCA) recently reached a new contract agreement with the United States Postal Service (USPS) that will affect over 118,000 rural letter carriers across the country.

The new contract, which covers a three-year period from 2020 to 2023, includes several key changes that will improve the working conditions and compensation for rural letter carriers. One of the most significant changes is an increase in pay, with the base pay rate for rural carriers rising by 1% in each year of the contract.

The new contract also includes provisions for increased health benefits, with rural carriers now eligible for the same health care plan options as other postal employees. This change will provide much-needed relief for rural carriers who have historically been at a disadvantage when it comes to health care and benefits.

Another significant change in the new contract is an expansion of the use of assistant rural carriers (ARCs). ARCs are part-time employees who assist regular rural carriers with their duties, and the new contract allows for an increase in the number of ARCs that can be hired. This change will help alleviate the workload for regular rural carriers and provide new job opportunities for part-time workers.

In addition to these changes, the new contract also includes several measures aimed at improving working conditions for rural carriers, such as new safety procedures and equipment. The NRLCA negotiated the use of heat mitigation strategies, including breaks and shelter, for carriers working in extreme temperatures. Other important safety measures include the installation of GPS in all rural carriers’ vehicles, and a new process for addressing animals that pose a threat to carriers.

Overall, the new contract represents a significant victory for rural letter carriers, who have faced numerous challenges over the years. With increased pay, expanded benefits, and improved working conditions, rural carriers are now better equipped to serve their communities and maintain the critical postal service that so many Americans rely on.

As this new contract takes effect, it is important for all communities to acknowledge the essential role that rural letter carriers play in our daily lives and to support them in their important work. By doing so, we can help ensure that the postal service remains a vital part of our national infrastructure for years to come.
